Episode 270: Summer Dry Fly Fishing Patterns

Summer dry fly fishing patterns can be confusing. At least the names can be confusing.

It’s the dog days of summer, and hopefully you are slinging some grasshopper patterns or other terrestrials to catch fish on the surface. In this episode, we’ve identified four buckets of dry fly patterns for summer fly fishing. We also offer up our three must-have dry fly patterns for this wonderful season.

When it comes down do it, fly selection in the summer can be pretty simple.


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“The Fly Fisher’s Book of Lists” gives you hundreds of tips

Fly fishing is a lot more than simply learning how to cast.

There are thousands of techniques and hacks that can help you catch more fish.

Often, it’s the little things that make a big difference, increasing your enjoyment of the sport.

“The Fly Fisher’s Book of Lists” is a must-read for folks who prefer to scan lists and find new ways to catch more fish. Read one list, and, like a handful of peanuts, you won’t be able to stop at one.

Visit Amazon to buy your copy today!


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