251: Key Factors in Your Fly Fishing Success

Fly fishing success is not just about your amazing chops: precision casting, reading the river, and overall fly fishing genius. There are factors out of your control that affect whether you catch fish.

In this episode, we identify seven factors that may affect your day on the river. One factor is barometric pressure. Another is phases of the moon.


PURCHASE OUR BOOK ON FLY FISHING HACKS – the essential collection of great tips to catch more fish

“The Fly Fisher’s Book of Lists” gives you hundreds of tips

Fly fishing is a lot more than simply learning how to cast.

There are thousands of techniques and hacks that can help you catch more fish.

Often, it’s the little things that make a big difference, increasing your enjoyment of the sport.

“The Fly Fisher’s Book of Lists” is a must-read for folks who prefer to scan lists and find new ways to catch more fish. Read one list, and, like a handful of peanuts, you won’t be able to stop at one.

Visit Amazon to buy your copy today!


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4 Replies to “251: Key Factors in Your Fly Fishing Success”

  1. Hi guys, I just returned from the green River in Utah and heard your episode 251, talking about hoppers and cloud cover. On the Green, we had smoke drifting from the wildfires in both California and Colorado, along with a mostly cloudy sky. We still had a great time, even though the activity and bite was less than what we’d been told to expect for this river. Our guide, a 30-year veteran, said that during terrestrial season the cloud cover has the opposite effect of what you’d expect in an aquatic hatch. The fish have a harder time seeing the contrast of the hoppers and ants against the dull sky. His solution was to put on a giant Chernobyl, trailed by a dark size 12 attractor of his own design. He said the trout would spot the Chernobyl, come up to investigate, then likely take the small attractor. This turned out to be the case on nearly every strike.

    1. That is probably one of the best insights we’ve read in a long time. Makes complete sense. Thank you for posting,


  2. Haven’t fished for trout because of Covid-29 this year. However, I plan to go to Driftless in NE IA Sep. 1-3. Temp. in 70’s, low 50’s. Enjoy your Pod Casts.. Thanks.

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