245: Summer Wearables for Fly Fishing Comfort

Fly fishing comfort in summer simply requires a few basic items of clothing. Certainly dry-fit clothing is at the top of the list.

So is a water-resistant cap or hat.

In this episode, we offer up our short list of basic summer wear. And we also reveal our deep disappointment that we may never be Simms models. Steve may have to fire Dave as his podcast partner before Simms takes Steve’s modeling aspirations seriously.


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2 Replies to “245: Summer Wearables for Fly Fishing Comfort”

  1. Love this fun podcast , all great ideas on how to dress for the hot dog days of summer. I have a suggestion that you might like. I have purchased the light long sleeve sun shirt with the hoodie that have the bug shield in the fabric. I know Simms makes them but believe other companies are getting on board. I was kinda skeptical that they would actually work but to my surprise they actually are really effective. I went fishing in the big horn mountains up from Sheridan Wy with a fishing buddy. The horse flies were terrible on this particular weekend. I put on the shirt pulled the hood up on my head and went fishing. I was pleasantly surprised that the flies left me alone. Meanwhile my fishing buddy was having a terrible time with the flies . Just a suggestion something you might try . Oh i bought one for my mrs and buddy for Christmas . Unfortunately because of Covid we haven’t been able to test them on the stream this year . Hopefully soon . Stay safe tight lines .

  2. Very timely and good info as always. Here’s my top down approach for the summer when hitting small creeks in the Colorado mountains. Mesh hat, polarized glasses, neck gaiter, light weight bamboo hoodie or my Poncho fishing shirt (love the cut and material of their shirts), quick-dry pants, waterproof socks, and Soft Science wading boots. They are super flexible and comfortable for easy trails and provide a bit more traction than just regular sandals. Get a drift!

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